品质保证 多元化产品
Quality Assurance Diversified Products
深圳市光大海味贸易有限公司是专业海味采购公司,拥有强大的采购团队,积极开发及选择供应商,搜罗世界各地纯天然产品,严选出优质产品,将海中珍品,健康产品呈现给顾客。我们公司拥有丰富的产品种类,如燕窝、冬虫夏草、花胶、海参、鲍鱼罐头、干鲍鱼、花旗参、海味干货、中药材等。针对各类产品,拥有多种分类以供选择。 光大海味一直以来励精图治,创新前进,让更多的顾客吃的开心,吃的放心,化挑战为动力,为顾客提供更加优质的服务与产品。
Shenzhen kwong Tai Seafood Trading Co., Ltd. is a professional seafood purchasing company with a strong purchasing team, actively developing and selecting suppliers, gathering global pure natural products, carefully selecting high-quality products, and presenting customers with precious and healthy products. Our company has a wide range of products, such as bird's nest, cordyceps, fish maw, sea cucumber, canned abalone dried abalone, American ginseng, dried seafood, Chinese herbal medicine, etc. There are many types of products to choose from. Kwong Tai Seafood has been working hard, being innovative and enterprising, so that more customers can eat happily, eat at ease, turn challenges into motivation, and provide customers with better services and products.
Professional canned abalone products
We carefully select fresh and live abalones. All the canned abalones produced are made with Japanese high-temperature sterilization technology, coupled with the secret recipe of our Hong Kong company chef, which is deeply loved by customers all over the world. The products sell well in Hong Kong, China, Southeast Asia and other places.